Personality Portraits
At Eden Photography Studio near Slate Run Park
$50 non-refundable, non-transferable retainer
$75 due via cash or check the day of the session
Includes 5 digital images
Our kiddos grow so very fast so what better way to capture them as they are right this very minute than by doing personality portraits? Not only will you receive an amazing headshot of your child, you will have other fun portraits of them showcasing the very best of their personality and facial expressions for you to add to the time capsule of their childhood. These are perfect for Senior slideshows or to pull out when they are getting married or in later years when they have kiddos of their own.
Both the brick and the teal walls will be set up. You can choose which one you want to use for the session.
You can also add on one Fine Art Black and White Heirloom Portrait for $50.